
Monday, 28 November 2011

Studio Challenge

Every quarter we'll be announcing a Studio Challenge on the Felting and Fiber Studio. The challenge this quarter is based on the theme of 'Twists, Twirls and Spirals'. It's only a short one until the end of the year, but if you'd like to join in, have a look at the new post that describes how you can join in.
I'm still working on one of mine...I plan to try more than one, but here's the plastic fibre and merino blends I made and the twists I made out of them:

I hope you'll come over to the Studio and join in :)

Monday, 21 November 2011

Exciting News!!

What does the World's worst blogger need? Yep, another blog :)

A few of us have started a new venture together. My friends Karen, Ruth, Ann and myself have got together over the last couple of months and put together a website/blog focusing on felting and fibre art. We wanted somewhere where we could work together and offer support and encouragement and also share our combined love and knowledge of felting and fibre with people across the world.

We've spent the past few weeks adding content to the website, information and photos about wool, animal fibres, other fibres used in felting, information about mixed media, sewing and surface design, and also tutorials. We'll be updating the content as we go along, and adding more info and tutorials and we'll be blogging (regularly!) about what we're working on and interesting things in the felting and fibre arts world.

We'll also be having studio challenges based around a theme, something to make us think and try new things, and hopefully others will join in aswell and share their work.... we have a flickr group too. Those are just for fun, but we'll also be doing giveaways and prizes.

It'd be great if you'd stop by and take a look, and I hope you enjoy the site :)

The Felting and Fiber Studio