
Monday, 15 June 2009

Where do your ideas come from?

Do you always know where your ideas came from? Or sometimes do you look at your work and wonder what gave you the idea?
I've just finished a flat needle felted piece I made for the Felting Forum's Monthly Challenge, using only natural fibres. I followed the first design I thought of, I just wanted something that was simple, but would look great with all the tones and textures of different animal fibres, so I just drew a few circles and wavy lines:

I actually stuck to my idea for once too:

But when the pattern started to build up and fill in, it started to remind me of paintings I'd seen by Pintupi artists from Australia. So, I called the piece 'Pintupi' to acknowledge the influence and lasting impression those paintings must have made on me.

That's what got me thinking about where ideas come from, and I remembered a short clip from a Derren Brown TV programme where he turned the tables on advertisers to influence their ideas.

'Pintupi' was made using 37 different animal fibres (for a full list see the photo on flickr), some I'd bought myself, some were from fibre swaps, and some lovely handwashed and handcarded batts in gorgeous shades and tones from my friend Karen.


  1. This looks so amazing to, i cant believe you managed to squeeze in all those fibre's and you are sooooo sweet, i'm just glad you liked them. :)))

  2. Thanks, Kaza :)
    You know I don't do much needlefelting, it never turns out how I imagine, but this one did, and it was so much easier using the batts from you and the washed/carded wools I had, compared to merino tops which seem so 'dry'

  3. Lo ve your ideas. They are inspiring

  4. Hi there! Just found your blog when I was googling for some inspiration and new ideas. I am from Sweden and I sort of stumbled in on felting two years ago and I`m hooked ever since. I started a blog to share my feltings, photos and ohter stuff and I am always on the look out for other felt artists. I think your felted vessel is beautiful and I will try one of my own really soon.....probably right now....since I am on my hols and craving for some creative stuff. If you would like to visit my blog it`s:

    Take care
    and thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Love your blog Zed, you have some lovely items on here. The pintupi is amazing

  6. Thanks a lot, Jasmine :)

  7. like your experiments and this pintupi! very inspirational, xDorie
