
Monday 9 April 2012

Bird Pods

A few weeks ago I decided to have a go at felting a bird pod. Ann from The Felting and Fiber Studio had recommended using balloons as a form to keep their shape while drying, and I'd finally got round to ordering some from ebay. The first one I made had 2 layers of natural Grey Merino to start, then I added lots of raw Gotland locks around the edges and added two layers of Gotland roving that Karen had sent me. I added some carded Gotland fleece, banana fibre and a few more locks to the top before felting.

The second bird pod I made had 2 base layers of natural brown Merino, then again some raw Gotland locks, though I used some darker grey and black ones this time. The top 2 layers are dark brown Corriedale wool, with some washed Gotland fleece and bamboo fibre on top for extra interest.

The last bird pod I made was for my girlfriend who really likes natural white wools and fibres. I started this one with two layers of English 56s. The locks I used were Teeswater, Mohair and older Angora goat locks. The Teeswater locks are really long, some of the ones I had were 15 or 16 inches, so I used those across the top to come out at both sides. The top two layers were merino 64s, then for extra texture I added some combed teeswater tops, Angora and Mohair locks, some very crimpy Bluefaced Leicester, and some carded bamboo fibre.


  1. They really do look beautiful Zed, my favorite is the one you made Sange, i love that one although i love them all lol
    I will have another go shortly and see if i cannot make it look like a harry potter sorting hat lol

  2. Ditto to what Karen said. I still think they need eyes! Did they go outside yet?

  3. Wow! Zed they are gorgeous! I like the middle one- with the browns and texture. I can just see a bunch of a fantails living in them!

  4. Thanks, Kaz, Ruth and Hannah :)
    The grey one is outside and blue tits have been pulling at the locks :)
