
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Fibre Art Swap and a new Tutorial

Over on The Felting and Fiber Forum, we're having our first Holiday Fibre Art swap. My partner was Heather Woollove. This week, I received this gorgeous snowperson from Heather.

It's so beautifully made, and if you click to see the photo bigger you can see it has great texture with gorgeous shiny locks of wool (or maybe mohair?) I'm going to try to get an LED tea-light to put inside, so it glows at night like a huge snowman vessel :)  Ruth and Judy were each others' partners and they've both received their swaps and posted about them on their blogs. Ruth:  Judy:

I posted a tutorial on the Felting and Fiber Studio site today on how to Batch Edit photos using Photoshop. I don't know about you, but I spend too much time editing photos as it is, so this is a great way for editing a whole load of photos all at once. I'll also post a link in my Free Tutorials page at the top of this blog. If anyone has any ideas for tutorials, anything felting or fibre related, including Photoshop etc, please let us know either in comments here or on the studio site :)


  1. Zed--I'm so happy that you like it! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  2. so nice snowman!!! I've got an idea that such a snowman will look nice at the holiday table as a tea cosy.

  3. Thanks and Happy Holidays, Heather :) xx

    Алевтина, That's a really good idea! Leave a hole for the teapot spout to make the snowman's nose!! :)
