
Friday 26 April 2013


 I did try to post this yesterday, but Blogger won't let me upload pics from my computer to add to the post, I hade to use Flickr URLs and Picassa. Is anyone else having problems?

On my last post I showed you a sneaky peek of the ripples and ruffles of the nuno felted piece I made for Ann's challenge on The Felting and Fiber Studio site. Well, here's the finished piece in full:

Here it is from another angle:

It's kind of double-nuno because I started with some pieces of cotton gauze that I'd dyed a while ago. I wanted it to be extra sturdy to make a camera case out of it:

I really liked how it turned out, so I thought I'd make a similar piece. I measured this one carefully to make a book cover out of it. I also added some wisps of orange, beige and white to the merino at each end to match the patterns and colours of the fabric.

You can see the texture more from this angle:

And of course, a supermacro close up :)

I have just one more piece I made from this fabric, but it is still drying. If you're interested in learning more about felting with synthetic fabrics, nuno felting in general or the techniques I used, please have a look at the info about my e-book, Beyond Nuno here, thanks :)


  1. how absolutely delicious, ali

  2. The ruffles are nice.
    I had problems uploading my pictures on my blog. I use Picasa. All the uploaded pictures end up there anyway.

    1. Thanks, Mattie :)
      I had no idea the photos ended up in picasa albums until today! It was actually quicker and easier, so I'll stick to that from now on.

  3. I love how this turned out zed, the ruffles are gorgeous and the color combo is beautiful :)

  4. Your beautiful pinkness reminds me of my super soft snuggly childhood blanket edged with pink ribbonny material - such happy memories!
    Love the ruffles
    Ali x

    1. Thanks, Ali :)
      I had a blue blanket like that, with gorgeous satiny edges :)
      This fabric is quite 'rough', it reminded me of 70's Crimplene :)
