
Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Project Updates

I promised photos of the blue/green bag I was in the process of making, though it really doesn't look too much different to the separate panels :) This is the front, or more blue side:

This is the more green side:

 I also made a smaller bag with some of the green pieces. Side 1:

 Side 2:

I've only got as far as making the last of my nuno strip pieces into panels for a bag. It was this yellow piece:

I used various types of fabric–cotton, viscose, silk, suspected silk, so got various textures:

I liked these two strips next to each other, they showed the very different way felting/shrinkage affected them:

I used some of the spare offcuts from the orange piece to make up the panels:

 I showed some half finished purses not so long ago. I finally finished all the blanket stitching and buttons/buttonholes:

I also had some others I was at various stages with, and finished those too:

It's nice to have a growing pile of finished projects instead of a growing pile of felt pieces waiting for the inspiration (and energy!) to make them in to something!


  1. You've been really productive lately! Such lovely pieces too.

    1. It's amazing what you can achieve sitting down! It's funny that I can make a pile of felt pieces, and not feel productive, but as soon as they are made into something, it feels like I accomplished a lot :)
