
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Coppery Felt and Fimo

Do you remember the coppery bronzey felt piece I posted about last month? I cut that up recently and started to make a glasses case and small coin/card purse out of it. I have so many cut out or part made up items at the moment, I think I'll be working on them all year :)  I did actually finish the glasses case though. This is one side of it:

And this is the other side:

I used some gorgeous hand dyed cotton perle 5 from Rainbow Girl on etsy. The variegated colours work perfectly. I also managed to do quite a lot on the purse. I managed to sew it all together already.

I still need to choose the right button, which always takes forever, and sew the buttonhole. I'm glad I got the gorgeous ribbon on the top of the front flap.

I've also been working on a Fimo/polymer clay tutorial the last few weeks. Taking photos has been harder than ever, it's been really dark, stormy and rainy, which is nice, but not good for taking photos. We did get a few really bright sunny days, so I worked on the opposite side of the house to the sun and managed to get a lot done, or so I thought. When I downloaded the photos, what looked good when I set up a shot, didn't look good once hands were in the photo! I thought Monday would be perfect for working outside, it was bright but cloudy, but also really windy, so back indoors. I did get quite a few good photos all in all, including this one, which captures perfectly my attempt to get rid of the huge dent I caused when I released the camera from the tripod without holding it first!

And here's a sneaky peek at one of the other pieces I worked on:

I'm nowhere near finishing it yet, but when I have, I'll put it for sale on etsy, it won't be expensive, but I want to put as much in it as possible, so if anyone has any ideas, suggestions or requests, if it's something I know about, I'll do my best to include it :)


  1. Your Fimo brooch is beautiful - don't undersell yourself - with the film 'Gatsby' just released I think it will be very popular.

    Not sure how to send a link about Etsy Manchester but if you go to Teams on Etsy I'm sure it will come up in a search.

    I decided not to do the Victoria Baths Craft Fair - just wasn't sure if it would be busy - people have to pay to get in. Having said that the Horse and Jockey Craft fair is sometimes very quiet but I've made some good contacts doing it and there's worse things than having to sit in a pub all day!

    1. Sorry, my computer died.
      Thanks :) I think I will consider the Horse and Jockey craft fair, it's not too hard to get to now the tram goes to Chorlton. I did find the Etsy Manchester before my computer died, then forgot about it till now :)

    2. Don't know if it's too far for you but I recently did Magpie Handmade and Vintage Market in Altrincham which was quite nice. The other traders said it was very quiet but I did okay - maybe because the lady on the next stall bought quite a bit from me!

    3. It's far but really easy and quick to get to on the tram :)
      I haven't heard of this one either. Is there a place to look apart from Stallfinder? I've googled and that is all that comes up.
      I'll join etsy manchester once the tutorial is finished and I can think of other things :)

    4. I haven't heard of Stallfinder - I found out about Altrincham from other crafts people at the Horse and Jockey. Then someone at Altrincham told me that Stockport also has a vintage and handmade market once a month but haven't looked into that yet.

      Good luck with finishing the tutorial.

    5. Thanks for that :)
      I've just finished the tutorial, so after a bit of brain rest I'll look into the stalls thing a bit more, though I don't think I'll be doing anything outside in this heat!
      Thanks again :)

  2. I love the coppery bronze felt - the pieces are splendid!
    The green fimo is beautifully complex i.e. your eye doesn't tire of looking at it, but gets drawn round and round again.
    And the last piece reminds me of an old pre-decimal penny that's been a few pockets. I like it!

    1. Thanks, Lyn :)
      I do like to use coppery colours on black, maybe I'll do a set of penny type buttons :)

  3. Wow Zed, love the copper pieces. Copper is one of my favorite metals to work with. I usually make copper ornaments or copper inserts for my Christmas cards.
    Those fimo pieces are very cool. Like how you inserted beads into the piece.

    1. Thanks Billie :)
      I like copper too, I can't say I've worked with it apart from wrapping wire around things and burning a copper star pendant I bought once :)
      I'd love to see pics of your stuff
