
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Fimo and Computer Problems

I mentioned in my last post that I'd started working on a Fimo tutorial. I thought I'd have it finished now, but it hasn't been as easy as I thought. After all the nice cloudy stormy days that weren't great for photos we've had about 2 weeks of non stop sunshine, and when I say non stop, I mean about 17 very long, hot hours a day :( I never have much luck with photos at this time of year as it is, the light isn't sharp like in winter, but for some reason it seems even softer than usual. I ended up re-doing my photos about 4 times.

 Then my computer died. It temporarily revived for a few days and I managed to copy all my photos onto dvds. I'd started on the editing when it died for good about a week ago. I managed to borrow a computer for a few days, so I did manage to organise the  2,000+ photos into folders and start sorting through them at least. I set my new computer up over the weekend, took about 2 days to find out where things are hidden (Windows 8, I thought Vista was bad!) and made a start on writing the tutorial and lightening and cropping the final photos. I have the intro and first part done now. Only about 7 more parts to go!

This was the piece I showed part of last time, that I dropped the camera on, it has been baked.

I had some spare pieces of clay left over from the demonstration pieces so I had a play around and made a few things just for myself. This is a pendant, it's resting on a glass pebble to catch the light.

I used some of the leftover pieces together to make multi coloured pieces, this is a heart shaped button.

I made quite a few buttons, you never know when you might need one, I might have to do a few more though, I have a pile of purses that would look good with buttons made to match.

What projects have you been working on lately?


  1. I'm doing button related crafting too at the moment. I got over excited with my button delivery and starting making too many brooches all at the same time.

  2. They look nice :)
    You should see my box of half made felt items!
