
Saturday, 24 October 2015

Art Therapy Update

We had a go at making nuno felted flowers the other day at the well-being centre. I made a few samples to take in for ideas. Of course, I forgot to take photos, but I found one of them hiding in the middle of a photo, so apologies for blurriness:

It was made with a square piece of cotton gauze with wisps of Merino on top,  I cut it around the prefelt stage and stuck the little leftover bits onto what would become the middle piece. I layered it up and put a little piece of organza at the back, a button in the middle and sewed it together. We had a good selection of fabric to choose from, I'd dyed some scrim and cotton gauze, and so had Joyce who runs the craft group.  Lyn, Teri and Judith sent lots of fabric too.

We mostly stuck to reds, pinks, and purples for the wool, you can see a couple of the blends I carded from donated wool at the front:

There aren't too many of the blends left now, they're always the first to get chosen! Starting off laying out:

Everyone was doing something different, some people had a couple of medium sized pieces, some had a few smaller pieces, the red pieces are Jo's she made a poppy, and the smaller pieces are Louise's:

Shirley put a lot of thought into choosing some gauze and a piece of a mustardy viscose scarf I think Lyn sent.

Some people made larger pieces to cut out later. I think that's fabric from Teri that Michelle is using:

And wetting it down:

You can see which piece will be the top of Jo's poppy:

Shirley picked different wool shades to match her fabric for her different layers:

I'll have to show you in a few weeks how they turned out. This is one of the pieces from week 1, they have a machine embellisher at the craft group, so extra detail was being added:

This is Barbara's piece from when we did nuno samples a few weeks ago:

And lastly, this is Jo's piece from when we used all natural wools and fibres a couple of weeks ago:


  1. I am pleased that your group is doing so well and making lovely stuff!

    1. Thanks, Lyn :)
      And thanks so much for all the donations!
