
Friday, 30 October 2015

Flowers, Fimo and Felt

After the nuno flower workshop at the well-being centre last week, I thought I'd make a few flowers of my own as they don't require too much effort. They're mostly layers of cotton gauze or scrim, wisps of merino, another piece of gauze and finer wisps on top. I haven't sewn them together yet because I want to put organza on the back of some. But I did hunt through my fimo buttons to find the right ones:

I'm running low on buttons now, I don't have as wide a variety of colours as I thought, so I might have to make some more. I had a look through my fimo tiles last week too, and put some magnetic strips on a few to make fridge magnets. These are some of my favourites:

I like making the inlaid ones, they're quite easy to do, but look impressive :) If you're interested in tiles, buttons, pendants etc, I do have a very reasonably priced (cheap!) Polymer Clay e-book which shows my very simple method for making nice, even flat polymer clay. And how to do it without expensive tools, too!

I made a bright patchy piece of felt last week, mostly Merino, but with some strips of silk and gauze:

I thought I'd go a few steps brighter and made a stripey piece with vivid merino shades and gave it some sparkle with dyed trilobal nylon, milk, viscose, rose fibre and bamboo:

 I prefer the colours on the right hand side and prefer the back even more:


  1. The buttons are brilliant and look just right in the flowers. I like the reverse best but the right side is lovely too.

    1. Thanks, Lyn :)
      It was even harder when I cut it to size for a book cover, the shiny/stripey side won in the end since it wasn't for me.
