This first piece I made is grey Norwegian wool tops with Egyptian Cotton. For the top two thirds, I used Egyptian cotton tops. The staple length is very short, so I started pulling off short wispy bits from the end as you would wool tops, and laid those on the right hand side. I also pulled off a longer length, then carefully teased it out and laid parts of it down the left. The bottom is Egyptian cotton fibre, it comes as thicker, shorter lengths. I teased some out, fluffed some up a little, then laid them on the wool.
This is a close up of some of the wispy parts:
This is an area of denser wispy cotton:
This is a close up of the longer lengths of cotton:
And this is a close up of the cotton fibre:
I've probably mentioned more than once or twice how much I love curly wools :) For this next piece I used Devon Wool tops and Black Bamboo tops. The top part has the bamboo laid on the surface, the bottom is a blend of Devon and Bamboo.
The black bamboo is more of a matte charcoal grey than black, and seems to be 'fluffier' than white bamboo tops.
Close up:
It looks a lot paler when blended with the wool tops:
It doesn't completely disappear when blended in, though.
And just because I love curly wools, the back:
Sunday handmade market 周日手作市集
2 days ago