I did get around to felting the two knitted samples I made. I felted them the same way I'd usually wet felt, not through the washing machine. The piece I made with the hand blended and handspun yarn doesn't look too much different, but it is duller and fluffier:
It did keep some texture:
This is a close up:
This is how it looked before:
The pencil roving knitted piece was much nicer and easier to felt. It grew quite a bit and flattened out quite a lot:
It was quite chunky before, this is after felting, looking over the surface:
And how it looked before:
It didn't lose all its texture:
And a closer look:
It felted really neatly, but I'm not sure I'll find a use for felted knitted pencil roving :)
Sunday handmade market 周日手作市集
2 days ago