I got some 'Yellowish Dutch Wool' from wollknoll, 34 mic 'not suitable for felting', it said. It seemed to felt fine for me:
I don't know what breed it is, I'd guess Texel, maybe someone who's bought it knows? Here's a close up of a corner:
I thought I'd try a variety of fibres again, so the top row is a blend of black Viscose tops and Ingeo, the narrow band in the middle is Fake Angora, and the bottom is black Bamboo and White Bamboo blended.
Different angle:
This is a close up of the Viscose and Ingeo:
And close up of the fake Angora (it has a strange feel to it, and looks kind of waxy):
Another vaguely listed wool I bought was 'Russian-Camelhair'. I'm guessing from the way they describe things on wollknoll, that 'Camelhair' is the colour, it's more reddish though. And this is also 34 mic but 'This wool is especially suitable for felting'. Another guess is that this is Romanov wool. It seems to be double coated like a lot of the ones I ordered. I used Ramie fibre with this:
The circular parts are Ramie that I fluffed up then patted down into little discs:
This is a close up of Ramie just fluffed up and added:
The sun came out as I was taking this, I usually try not to take photos in the sun, but I liked this one:
Over on The Felting and Fiber Studio site, our challenges this year are all going to be based around colour. The first quarter challenge had us looking at the colour wheel, tints and shades and blending. I had some 'Hot Pink' Merino wool tops, quite a lot actually, so I used them with white Merino and black Merino to see what blends I would get. You can read the whole post here and see the batt I made.
Sunday handmade market 周日手作市集
2 days ago